Creative Space, a Writers' & Filmmakers' Podcast by MeMe Kelly Artwork

Creative Space, a Writers' & Filmmakers' Podcast by MeMe Kelly

MeMe Kelly is a woman called to inspire others with the written word, her voice and her stories.

Her previous podcast recordings were for the SHOUT (Surrender, Stand, Shine, Have Hope, Overcome, Use God's Power & Take Charge) for others. She has written essays, plays, film scripts, and television projects inspired by SHOUT. She's written and produced two short films in the Out of Bounds project. She has a B.A. and MFA from the University of California. She's a Mom of three wonderful young men and still in love with their dad, her UCLA college sweetheart! And now she has completed her first indie feature: One Night in LA, and now she's SHOUTN about ONILA, Life, Art, Writing, Filmmaking, and Love! 

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