MeMe Kelly aka MaMa K's Thoughts &/or Conversations about Life, Art, and Love

PT2. SHOUT with Writers Pam Spritzer and Abby Schwartz (Women Not Mentioned Nearly Enough)

April 27, 2021 MeMe Kelly
PT2. SHOUT with Writers Pam Spritzer and Abby Schwartz (Women Not Mentioned Nearly Enough)
MeMe Kelly aka MaMa K's Thoughts &/or Conversations about Life, Art, and Love
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MeMe Kelly aka MaMa K's Thoughts &/or Conversations about Life, Art, and Love
PT2. SHOUT with Writers Pam Spritzer and Abby Schwartz (Women Not Mentioned Nearly Enough)
Apr 27, 2021
MeMe Kelly


Pam Spritzer’s nonfiction has appeared in The Washington Post, Salon, Alternet, and elsewhere. Her fiction, published under the name Mimi Kawahara, can be found in assorted literary journals. A hospice volunteer, she is working on a book about being with people at the end of life, a memoir, and a novel. For more information, see


Abby Alten Schwartz is a writer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She provides creative services and marketing consultation to hospital systems and healthcare organizations through her company, Brainstorm Communications. Abby began her career as an advertising art director, following in the footsteps of her father, who helped her develop her artistic eye as a kid. A lifelong reader who turned to books for comfort and connection, Abby also had a talent for writing, adding it to her creative services when launching her business 20 years ago. 

 During the pandemic, she joined a creative writing project called The Isolation Journals. It was life-changing. She rediscovered her personal voice, found a community of writers, and began writing and exploring creative nonfiction and journalism. Her work has since been published by Wired and The Manifest-Station, and she has a reported story forthcoming in The Washington Post. Abby is also writing her first book, a memoir about parenting, illness and hope. She is married to her former teenage camp sweetheart and they have a daughter who is getting ready to leave the nest. Abby’s Instagram and Twitter handle is @abbys480

Show Notes


Pam Spritzer’s nonfiction has appeared in The Washington Post, Salon, Alternet, and elsewhere. Her fiction, published under the name Mimi Kawahara, can be found in assorted literary journals. A hospice volunteer, she is working on a book about being with people at the end of life, a memoir, and a novel. For more information, see


Abby Alten Schwartz is a writer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She provides creative services and marketing consultation to hospital systems and healthcare organizations through her company, Brainstorm Communications. Abby began her career as an advertising art director, following in the footsteps of her father, who helped her develop her artistic eye as a kid. A lifelong reader who turned to books for comfort and connection, Abby also had a talent for writing, adding it to her creative services when launching her business 20 years ago. 

 During the pandemic, she joined a creative writing project called The Isolation Journals. It was life-changing. She rediscovered her personal voice, found a community of writers, and began writing and exploring creative nonfiction and journalism. Her work has since been published by Wired and The Manifest-Station, and she has a reported story forthcoming in The Washington Post. Abby is also writing her first book, a memoir about parenting, illness and hope. She is married to her former teenage camp sweetheart and they have a daughter who is getting ready to leave the nest. Abby’s Instagram and Twitter handle is @abbys480